Friday, January 1, 2010

Reflect on the past, Look to the future

(listening to: Cello Suite No. 1 By: Johann Sebastian Bach)

Do you know of a better way to bring in a brand New Year than to start it off by listening to wonderfully old (I think they call that vintage these days) classical music? Nope! I didn't think you did. Nonetheless, happiest of New Years to all of my wonderful readers. (I have THREE followers now, yeah I know... I'm kind of a big deal)
I wanted to start off the new year by telling you all that I am deeply sorry that it has been so long since I have written. December was a bit crazy finishing up pastry school. Finishing was a bit sad, I will miss seeing our crowd of misfits on a daily basis but I am extremely excited to start my externship (More information on that later).
For this blog post though, I decided that the most fitting thing would be to reflect back on the glorious year that was 2009 and talk about what may be in this, the exciting year of 2010!

I guess the biggest thing that happened in 2009 was of course, the first African American president. Barak Obama was sworn into office in January... whether you are a fan or not, you witnessed a big moment in history this year.

The second biggest thing to rock the world in 2009 was the death of Yvonne Tomblin. For those of you who are wondering 'who was she again?', she was my grandmother. Those who were lucky enough to have known her, know that her death was truly a shock... yet I am a firm believer that she will live on with us, throughout the years, in spirit.

My Grammie when she was about my age

How we will all remember her

While we are on the topic of deaths, the most talked about death this year was none other than Michael Jackson. And since we have already heard the millions of Michael Jackson jokes, I will just leave this one alone.

We saw this year that the ladies dominated the music scene, proving that there is a place for us outside of the kitchen. :)

Lady Gaga did a great job scaring small children and turning the fashion world upside down with her bizzare costumes such as this. Which Disney character do you think she is trying to imitate?

Taylor Swift decided to take the opposite route and became the cutest thing since the creation of puppies. A role model for girlies of all ages, I too kind of want to be Taylor Swift when I grow up.

Although her album sales weren't as high as the other two, Rhianna became an icon this year for changing her bitchin hair yet again, and for being interviewed about her abusive relationship about a billion times.

As far as television goes, I was impressed by one show in particular. Better off Ted which premiered on ABC in March.

It is a silly and quick witted comedy that makes you pay attention and literally laugh out loud (You like my alliteration?)(I had to look up what an alliteration was, isn't that pathetic?)

On July 22nd of this year, the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century occurred lasting up to 6minutes and 39 seconds...

..... BUUUUUUUT I missed it. I was sleeping.

As far as entertainment went, the old and the young united in the total and utter bliss that was The Beatles Rock Band. It brought families together, sons and fathers formed friendships and new reports are even claiming that it may have solved world hunger.

For movies, people showed us that they REALLY DO want to be nerds. The box office smashes of '09 were Star Trek, Harry Potter, Twilight, and Avatar... so basically movies about nothing that is real. As far from factual as you could possibly get.... thats what we wanted to watch.

We had better have these spaceships by the year 2058 or whatever star date they talked about in the film... I'm sorry readers, I tried to look it up for you and be accurate but I got lost. I don't speak Trekkie nerd lingo very well.

Now this is my area of dork. I am Harry Potter nut and am a fan of anything and everything Potterness. The next film is the last book and they are splitting it into 2 films to make sure they cover it all. THE ONLY WAY I will be alright with making me wait in between films is if they cut Harry Potter off mid-sentence and roll credits. The entire audience would gasp, be outraged and start throwing tomatoes at the screen. Then they would be so bitter and hurt that movie producers did that, nobody would go to see the second half. And I would have the movie theater all to myself. Quite Brilliant, no?

If dead guys and dogs are your cup of tea, then Twilight was the movie for you this year. The children's classic tale of how a vampire and a wolf can fight over a human girl for her heart..... where do they get this stuff??? They should have made this a book.

And most recently, Avatar. I don't even really know how to describe this brand new nerd obsession except that the graphics are stunning. They have succeeded in creating a world both beautiful and scary that you want to live in and explore. The plot is one that we have seen many times before, but with special effects this good, nobody cares. The story could be about how characters go purchase bread at the store and you would still walk out in awe.

The last pop cultural phenomenon that happened this year was Twitter. Time magazine quoted that "The Revolution will not be televised, but it will be tweeted."

And for all of you Jolly folk who send Twitters all day long, here is a wonderful depiction of what happened to the twitter bird this year:

To close out my list of 2009, I just wanted to touch on the Swine Flu and the craziness that followed. With a stroke of luck, I managed to find a picture of where the Swine Flu originated from! Be careful where you let your children wander off to!

And now just a few quick things I would like to see in the year 2010:

NUMBER ONE: That they solve the Hyperactive turn signal problem. You all know what I am talking about, when you get behind someone who is turning and their blinker just about gives you a seizure it blinks so fast. They don't install strobe lights in cars for a reason people!!!

NUMBER TWO: A diet pill that, once consumed, burns all but 3% body fat and eliminates cellulite.

NUMBER THREE: For every state to be able to bask in tropical weather. When I recently mentioned this desire to a friend of mine she told me "Thats what we are worried about... remember? Global warming???" (Except our newly tropical states cannot have palm trees like this. They are freaking me out looking at them.)

AND NUMBER FOUR: Please pass a law that states that if you have a texting plan on your phone, you MUST LEARN TO SPELL CORRECTLY. C'mon guys, most phones have a spell check for cryin' out loud! Use it. Do et. Done.
For those of you who are not smiling/don't understand this cartoon..... I am talking about you.

Again, a very Happy New Year to you all. Much love to you and your families and I hope that your 2010 starts off well. Thanks for reading and I promise to be better at giving out Weekly Sweets!

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