Sunday, January 31, 2010

Winter RETURNS!!

Hello to everyone, and I am sorry that I didn't send out my last post through email like I usually do. Life for me has been getting crazier and crazier as the days go on and I am busier than ever. Don't think that I have forgotten about all of you cyber-babies though. I just haven't been able to do my last couple of weeks for one reason or another. My assignment this week was 'Cupcakes' but alas! The blog gods didn't want me to write about them because instead I was nervously awaiting what our news stations excitedly informed us was 'The Ice Storm of 2010'. (whoever wrote that title deserves a raise. I love their creativity.)
SO instead of writing about delicious little cakes that warm your heart, I wanted to post a quick blog about what makes you freeze over, and I also have included a recipe of a hearty turkey soup that we made this week to help us thaw out. So enjoy the pictures and be glad that you are warm!
Oh glorious winter! We, the citizens of Potawattomie County were fortunate enough to have a three day 'freezing extravaganza' that left us with icicles, snow, and sheets of ice lining our streets. How lucky we are!

Yeah, Yeah... they are all cute when they are small icicles.

Day 1 began with a mix of freezing rain, sleet, and ice that washed over most of our fine state. I took this picture of baby icicles starting to form outside our window. (Being the Californian that I am, I was quite excited of their presence and needed proof of their existence.)

Day 2 continued with the ice and sleet and gave us a bit of snow as well! I took another snapshot of my 'cute little icicles' growing outside the window and dreamed about them when I slept that night. But when I woke up the next morning...

My 'baby icicles' had become obese. 
As we crept into the wee hours of Day 3 (and as I was dreaming of tiny icicles that I could use as swizzle sticks) It snowed. It became a blizzard and somehow my icicles contracted elephantitus and grew to over five feet long.

I no longer called them 'my icicles' but now they were 'those things that were making our roof sag'

Impressive, yes. But how am I going to make my drink cold with THOSE??

Stupid storm.
You ruined my dreams.

Okay, okay... They are beautiful. Ill consider calling them mine once again.

Our backyard had been transformed from bleak to brilliant. Being covered in a blanket of crisp white snow that hurt your eyes.

Scott thought we would only get 2 inches of snow. This photo is proof of the contrary.

Our neighbors icicles didn't grow to abnormal lengths.... I guess that is what happens when you have rain gutters.

This is a bush. 
Just in case it is hard to tell.

When I looked in our front yard, my heart broke for my little PT Cruiser, Dory..... She was frozen in a sheet of snow that was at least a few inches thick.

Even my car was bearded with icicles. It was a theme for this storm. At least it was consistent.

Our street had turned into a winter wonderland, straight from a postcard...... minus the trashcans and trucks that had been parked there for weeks.

DO YOU SEE THE THICK GLAZE OF ICE ON THOSE BRANCHES???? We Californians don't see stuff like that everyday. 

The ice on the branches grew too heavy for the tree in our neighbors yard and snapped off.
Poor, poor tree.

Do you feel as though you are looking at a dead body?
You should.

The branch that couldn't hold on any longer.

Frozen berries on a tree in our backyard.

More icicles that hung above our walkway into the house.... They were very pretty..... as long as they didn't fall and kill me.

MOOOOORE icicles!!!! (are you getting sick of them yet??)

Scott and I spent the day breaking off the GIANT icicles from our humble house (and by 'Scott and I' I mean Scott did the dirty work while I stood back and took 3 million pictures of icicles from every angle)
And we played in the backyard with our adorable child.

Our baby- Kyzer..... He looks more like his dad, Scott, than myself.

I tried get him to play fetch but he was distracted by the birds, squirrels, leaves and/or wind. He protects us from ALL of the elements.

He is a male model. Look for him on the cover of GQ magazine someday.

SQUIRREL!!! See? I told you there was one. This is why playing fetch was not an option.

This particular evil squirrel kept coming back to taunt my poor dog every time we put him back inside. This photo was taken through the window. I can almost hear the squirrel saying 'naa-naa-naa-naa-naa... You can't get me!'

So to keep warm, Scott and I made a super simple turkey soup that took 10 mins of prep and was delicious! We made enough for a few days and each day is better than the last! (and by 'Scott and I' I actually mean IIIIII made the soup while Scott stood back and played with the camera.)

Okay! So! Recipe time! 
Hearty Turkey Soup
turkey broth (frozen from Thanksgiving) OR you can also use store bought chicken broth
chicken boullion cubes (to taste) (our turkey broth was a bit bland)
shredded cooked turkey (frozen from Thanksgiving)(You could also use chicken)
celery, chopped (1-2 bunches depending on how much broth you put in)
1 bag of baby carrots, sliced (we like our vegetables)
1 large onion, chopped (and I do mean LARGE)
1-2 cups of orzo (again depending on how large of a quantity you made. Orzo is a greek pasta that looks like big rice, you can find it at most supermarkets in the pasta isle and its a favorite of mine.)
minced fresh parsley (to taste. We like alot)
1-2 tsp. ground cumin (use 2 tsp if a larger quantity)
Salt and pepper to taste

place all ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for about 30 minutes or until pasta and vegetables are tender. 
Is that the easiest recipe ever?? I know. Tell me about it. Take into account that if you are using frozen broth and/or turkey you will need to let that thaw out first. This is a delicious and easy recipe that is perfect for those really cold nights where all you want is comfort food.

mmmmm, mmmm Good........ But surprisingly, not Campbells! 

(another tree with snow. I thought you had seen enough icicles for one day.)

And now I must bid you farewell. May all of your dreams tonight be filled with images of icicles large enough to kill and of steamy hot turkey soup! I promise to deliver a wonderful blog next week about my externship. 
But for now, I will leave you with a simple, Adios!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures my love, i especially enjoyed the commentary! ha ha. watch for falling icicles and stay warm!
